Hi Stefan,
IMHO ..... you should know there are differences in the type of electrical power supplied from Utilities to consumers around the World ( please find attachments ) which have characteristics and permanent installations that are "NOT" the same and must be treated that way. The only way to elevate any potential "ground loop" problems a Isolated grounding system must me invoked and permanently installed to all applicable electrical codes that may apply, this is the same system all reputable testing laboratories and facility's use to isolate the equipment ground to a clean electrical ground. The use of any equipment that has a grounded power outlet is for equipment and personal life protection and as a professional in the industry for over 30 years I would never recommend not to user this mandatory safety feature delegated from electrical installers, engineers and insurance company's around the globe to "INSURE" proper grounding.
As for Musicians and "ground loop" audio feed back in LIVE presentations 99% of the time are from the XLR 3-wire audio patch cord cables used between mixers, snakes and other audio equipment such as mixers, amplifiers and microphones seen first hand from my volunteer MCTV Staff experience recording several times at the famous Portland, Oregon "Waterfront Blues Festival" years ago ..... stomp and walk on XLR patch cord .... twirl a microphone by the XLR patch cord ...... drop a microphone stand on a patch cord ..... just to name a few things, none that are a permanent wiring system with equipment grounding protections in place.
Hi Glen,
I am commenting only on the measurementdone in the new Rosemary circuit,
that she has already shown me privately , which is not yet public.
So this is offtopic to this Lawrence Tseng topic here, sorry..
Well, I have a Hameg 312 scope and that is also grounded and there is
a connection between the scope ground and the case and the earth ground
of the grid plug.
I measured 2 years ago the voltage of a cap bank of 10 x 100 nF ceramic caps in parallel,
so it was basically a 1 uF ceramic cap and wondered,
why the capbank always charged up on the scope.
It was only, because the scope connected to the capbank was earth grounded via the scopehead.
So you see, this is just one problem.
If you additionally use another earth grounded function generator that
might also be connected to a different plug in the room,
you will get all kinds of measurement problems and probably groundloop current problems.
The only thing what the earth ground connection is good for is for security.
But if you had made sure that all the internal connections of the scope
are okay, you can surely disconnect the earth ground for just a measurement.
So it is much better to use battery operated measurement scopes and function
generators in this area, so you will not have these earthground current looping problems.
Regards, Stefan.