Thanks to ION for his design on the 1Mhz oscillator circuit.
Carrying on from that i now am going to build a new device as follows.
In the SR193 thread i posted a circuit from Mopozco from his SSG

This led me to find Negative Induction, this is where an Inductor is driven above it's self resonant frequency and starts showing negative Inductance or Capacitive properties.

I started seeing similarities between the SSG and Don Smith table top device, both had the final coil in series with the previous coil and had no capacitor to tune the frequency, thus relying on the self resonant frequency of the coil, bearing in mind the other coils operating at other frequencies this made me wonder if there could be any magic or pumping in such a configuration.
There are possible similarities in the TPU as well, so i want to tie some of these facts into a new build and see what comes of it.
Both Don and the SSG used spark gaps to generate harmonics, in the TPU i think it can be assumed it's a solid state device and i therefore want to find a way without using spark gaps to drive a 3 coil resonant system, i have a passive frequency tripler and doubler circuit to drive the fet's.
The Plan
I will build 3 coils, each coil will be driven by a fet to resonate at the coils self resonant frequency, each coil will be bifilar
One of the coils will be driven by the fet and the other will be mutually driven, all 3 coils will be in series.
L1 will be @ fundamental wound clockwise does not necessarily need to be self resonant in build
L2 @ 2nd Harmonic wound counter clockwise
L3 @ 3rd Harmonic wound clockwise
The only problem i have not resolved is the fundamental frequency of operation, maybe 35Khz or maybe use Bruce's 3.
The problem with using such low frequency's is the size of the coils, so the device will be something like 12 inches in diameter.