Greetings all...
Well, I must say this is all a bit intriguing to say the least. If I can clear up my schedule a bit, i may have a go at a replication.
Might I suggest that those replicators that are using an FG with a known output impedance, such as 50R, measure the FG's open circuit voltage and compare that to the FG's output when connected to the circuit. The difference between those two numbers divided by the 50R output Z will give you another Pin number to compare to the Pin calculated using R2 (or R2A). Although it does not rule out the possibility of phase shift within the FG's 50R, it will give you a another Pin for comparison.
TK, when measuring across R2A where you say you observed a phase shift, was The FG out, R2A, and the CH1 probe point in close proximity (i.e., limited wiring inductance)?
Also, if one were to use a 1/4 watt 1% (or .1%) low TC MF resistors at the output and another identical resistor in series with the FG out and the L1 input, at some of the power levels observed (particularly with TK's FG), the Trise of those small wattage resistors should make Pin/Pout comparisons a bit more obvious to the touch (or a thermister/Tsensor).
Only somewhat tongue in cheek, and with a bit of a grin, it should even be possible to do a "which resistor smokes first" test using 1/8 watt resistors (or even 0805's or smaller). Just watch the TC (and inductance) of the resistors used.
Just a few quick thoughts...
« Last Edit: 2017-05-03, 22:13:36 by picowatt »