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Author Topic: Meyer-Mace Isotopic NMR Generator  (Read 119053 times)

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So as this is something i have been personally very interested in for some time, i decided to start heading towards a replication.

It's really a matter of just using stuff we have already worked on.

for anyone who is not familiar the french patent can be downloaded here.

There was a translation on OU.com here
Thanks to e2matrix for the translation.
A rough interprestation of the French patent.  I'll try to clean it up a bit later as this was an OCR of an image of the text which was then translated with Google (and if you know how OCR works on images of text you know it doesn't always get things right - in this case I think some numbers got put in places where it failed to recognize text correctly):
EDIT: Cleaned up as much as I can:
Text from Cover page in patent: (54 - I think this #54 is an irrelevant number not talking about isotope - just a reference number) Activator for isotopic mutation.
(57 - irrelevant number) Power generator by nuclear resonant ferromagnetism consisting of a frame-shaped "U" mild steel containing a cylindrical bar of ferromagnetic fuel acted upon by at least 3 induction coils. The first is an electromagnet coil, the
second activator is a nuclear magnetic resonance, the third induction recovering energy present in the bar.
Device specifically designed to provide a commercially viable electric power and to make changes of isotopes.
page - 1 - DESCRIPTION
The present invention relates to a device for generating energy by nuclear resonant ferromagnetism.
Nuclear power is traditionally produced by fission or 'fusing atoms while the magnetic fluxes are in turn traditionally
obtained by induction caused by the movement of electrons.
The present invention uses a physical phenomenon that we have identified and we will call "Isotopic Mutation".
Description of the physical principle applied to the iron isotope 56:
The iron isotope 56 contains 26 protons, 26 electrons and 30 neutrons,
its total mass is 56.52 MeV, its actual weight being 55.80 MeV. The difference between the total mass and the actual

mass is 0.72 MeV which corresponds to a cohesive energy per nucleon of 0.012857 Mev.
If additional energy is introduced of 105 eV iron core isotope 56, that will have an energy level of cohesion per nucleon

of 0.012962 corresponding to the iron isotope Mev 54. The instability created by this energy input is a specific

radioactivity that will transfer the isotope 56 iron isotope 54 with a release of 2 neutrons which transform in 9 minutes in

Hydrogen by natural radioactivity.
This process will generate a gain of energy of 20,000 ev since the default mass of iron resulting 54 is only 0.70 MeV

instead of 0.72 MeV for iron isotope 56.
To make the iron core isotope 56 energy required to effect the isotopic mutation, we use the principle of reso-nance

nuclear magnetic.
The 26 protons in the iron isotope 56 are at the origin of magnetic moment that nuclear gyroscopic
 motion moved by a dependent of the actual mass of the iron core. The loss of mass caused by the phenomenon of

mutation will alter the isotopic gyroscopic moment and the energy return of by increasing the rotation speed.   The

physical phenomenon of isotopic mutation described above is applicable to all
of Mandeleiev body of the table.

page -2

The device of the invention is shown schematically in Figure 1 attached.

It consists of a metal piece of mild steel (1) in the form of "U" and a cylindrical bar (2) iron isotope 56 supporting the

different-5 annuities coils (3,4 and 5).

   The first coil (3) is a magnetic field generator

 A power of 0.5 Tesla to the orientation of the nuclear spins of the iron atoms 56.

-        The second coil (4) is traversed by a sine wave of 21 MHz frequency of 10 to the -4 Tesla power which is an

activator of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance observer permitting rotation of 180 ° of the nuclear spins of the iron atoms.

-       The third coil (5) constitutes a transformer primary, which collects the induction energy present in all points of the

bar created  by changing the isotope of iron atoms in iron 56 54.

The recovered energy can then be transformed in a form commercially exploitable (110-220-380 voltage V and

frequency 50 to 400 Hz).

The basic application that results is the creation of autonomous electrical generator. The particularity of this new

generator is that it uses a bar ferromagnetic metal as fuel giving it considerable autonomy and a very low cost of

ownership. This electrical or magnetic energy can also be used in all systems such as inverters, motors and engines.

The second application is the resulting transformation of isotope using the same principle described in figure 1 as with

magnetic core (2) to transform the metal and adjusting the setting values of the various components to match the

mutation achieve.


page 3 - CLAIM

1) flow generating device magneto-nuclear characterized in that it comprises a metal frame in the form of "U" (1), a

ferromagnetic metal bar (2) representing the magnetic core of the induction coils (3,4 and 5).

2) Device according to claim N ° 1, characterized in that the first coil (3) is an electromagnet, the second coil (4) is an

activator for the sine wave nuclear magnetic resonance of the magnetic core and the third coil (5) is the transducing

element of internal flows of nuclear origin which recovers energy in all points of the bar (2).

3)        Device according to claim # 2 characterized in that internal flows of nuclear origin allow to obtain a magnetic or

electrical energy commercially exploitable.

4)        Device according to claim 1 and N ° 2 characterized in that the change of the adjustment parameters of the coils

and the magnetic core thereof would enable the system to make changes to other isotopes of elements Table of


I've added a google translation of the Czech patent No CZ284333

I've added a google translation of the French patent No FR2680613 / FR9110472
« Last Edit: 2017-08-28, 21:28:10 by Peterae »

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I've scaled a device using sketchup using the patents drawing proportions.

Now although the patent says Mild steel can be used, i am going to electroform my parts from mild steel using moulds and electroplating to purify the iron and shape it to my exact needs, this will be using the Robert Murray Smith electroplating patent he found.

So this is my first step.

To make a 18mm pure iron fuel rod.
I have all the chemicals now and a clear perspex tube with 18mm internal diameter, i will place a piece of copper foil at one and and seal this up, the idea being that iron will slowly deposit inside the tube and make a pure iron rod, leaving the carbon impurities to fall to the bottom, i have a mild steel donor rod as my source of iron.

If this works out then i will make the sides and bottom this way, i reserve the right for this to not work out and plan B is to source some mild steel  ;D

Interestingly one thing that was putting me off was the 21MHz sinewave signal, but it looks like Itsu has solved this problem for me with his RF water splitter circuit.
« Last Edit: 2015-06-18, 22:23:42 by Peterae »

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The first coil that is needed is as per quote
The first coil (3) is a magnetic field generator

 A power of 0.5 Tesla to the orientation of the nuclear spins of the iron atoms 56.

So i need a DC bias coil on my fuel rod to generate a magnetic flux of 0.5 Tesla's.

So time to look up some design calculations.

So according to here Pure iron has a Permeability μ [H/m] of 6.3×10−3 or 0.0063

plugging the Permeability into this calculator

Dividing the fuel rod 90mm internal length for 3 coils i can use 30mm each coil.

So I need a coil
30mm long
20mm radius
51 Turns
and a constant current of 47mA

Gives an inductance of 416.607 mH

Once the core is built it maybe a good idea to experimentally work out the Core Permeability to be sure.
Group: Tech Wizard
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Posts: 1242
Hi Peter,

Years ago I also came across this Meyer -Mace method at ( http://www.rexresearch.com/meyernmr/meyer.htm ) and also at Naudin site and I wondered about the possible eddy losses in the iron core which is also fed with the 21 MHz RF input power.  And I have not managed to understand why it may not have been an issue? because a solid iron rod with an OD of 1-2cm or so is highly conductive electrically. Maybe it is not so important from this point of view. 
Another issue would be the possible high working temperature of the iron rod (can be as high as some hundred degree C) so the coils should be defended against this somehow.  (for the heat development the eddy loss at 21MHz may surely contribute).


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Hi Gyula

Thanks, yeah i realize there seem to be problems, maybe wont work but i will try to give it a go and see what happens, lots of things to solve yet.

Where does the 400Hz output come from i wonder.

Group: Professor
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for anyone who is not familiar the french patent can be downloaded here.
There are several sources of information about Meyer's contraption, namely: Patents FR2680613 and FR9110472 and FR2385255 and CZ284333 all mentioning an Iron rod,  while the diagram in the March 1976 article in Science et Vie (nr.700, pages 42-45), depicts a Copper rod.
According to some scuttlebutt, the patent FR9110472 contains some key information necessary for replication.

Note that, in his embodiments, Meyer always attempts to saturate the Iron rod, because without saturation, its magnetic permeability is so high, that the evil Skin Effect prevents any significant penetration of high frequency magnetic fields inside it.
Also, at the high magnetic flux density needed to saturate Iron, the Lorentz orbits of charged particles became small enough to fit inside the diameter of the rod.
At these high flux densities, the frequencies also become high since the resonance frequency for Iron-57 nuclei is 138Hz/Gauss or 1.38MHz/Tesla, which calculates to almost 3MHz for saturated iron
( BTW: Copper nuclei resonate at 1132Hz/Gauss or 11.32MHz/Tesla and at the same flux density would resonate at ~24MHz.)

Also, notice that a rod is just a long disk, (only with a small ratio of diameter to length) and a ring is just a short disk with a hole in it ...so those shapes are not that dissimilar.  Anyway IMO: the diameter of the rod (or disk) should be large enough to contain the Lorentz orbits of fast electrons. According to the equation below, 2.7MeV electrons (which is a lot) immersed in a 2.14T magnetic field will have a Lorentz orbit slightly smaller than 10mm in diameter.

It is hard to saturate Iron only with permanent magnets, because pure Iron saturates at 2.14T and NdFeB magnets can deliver magnetic flux densities of a little more than 1.2T.    A DC winding with sufficient number of ampturns, can aid a magnet in keeping the iron saturated.  Also note, that only 2.2% of natural unenriched iron is affected by NMR or NAR because only the rare but stable 57Fe isotope has spin>0 and is susceptible to it.
« Last Edit: 2024-08-03, 21:42:48 by verpies »

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Hi verpies
Thanks for your post.
While i am trying to make the fuel rod i am in the background google translating the patents as time permits and will publish them on this thread.

I am currently working on the Czech patent you mention above.
Here's a quote
When treating iron core consisting of Fe 56 isotope , the starting energy of the size of 168.21 x 10-19J , the core is heated to a temperature of 150-1500 ° C.
If then exerts a magnetic core of energy of not less than 460 W and a frequency of 21 MHz while a magnetic induction of at least 0.5 T , the isotope 56 Fe will absorb this energy directly performing turning its nuclear Spin 180 and subsequently releases two neutrons , to form Fe isotope 54. Those two neutrons in its release to release energy .
So the core is also heated to at least 150° C.

The device may have various alternative embodiments. The minimum number of coils is three. Preferable in terms of the amount of energy and speed of the current transmutation is , if the device has four coils .
They are preferably selected and arranged such that the first coil is an electromagnet generating a magnetic field of at least 0.5 T. The second coil is a coil of high frequency , i.e. at a frequency above 21 MHz , and a source of at least 467 W / gmol .
The third and fourth coil are low frequency , i.e. 45 to 55 Hz . The third and the fourth coil may be combined into a single , possibly due to the required process parameters greater number of coils .
So 4 coils are preferable, and it is now clear where the low Hz comes from on the output coil.

I started with FR2385255 some time ago but stalled when i realized the maths made no sense.
For instance see picture from patent of formula below, makes no sense, seems info was lost in formatting the patent.

I will do what i can though.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 3634
While i am trying to make the fuel rod
I always wondered if the fuel rod needs to have its conductivity minimized.
Electric conductivity, magnetic permeability and frequency, all increase the evil Skin Effect.

So the core is also heated to at least 150° C.
That will decrease its conductivity and shake the nuclei.  NMR amplitude is strongly related to thermal equilibrium of spin populations.
Also, note that in that Science at Vie article the fuel rod is electrically polarized, so when you put it together, the fuel rod is molested magnetically, thermally and electrically.

So 4 coils are preferable, and it is now clear where the low Hz comes from on the output coil.
Note that, the low frequency coils will load down the high frequency coils ...unless they have HF chokes connected in series.

Also 0.5T is too low to saturate iron and minimize the skin effect as much as possible. For that over 2T is needed.
At 0.50T the Lorentz orbits of 2.7Mev electrons will have the diameter of slightly under 43mm and NMR frequency is 690kHz.
At 2.14T the Lorentz orbits of 2.7Mev electrons will have the diameter of slightly under 10mm and NMR frequency is almost 3MHz.

Finally, according to legacy science 54Fe and 56Fe nuclei spins cannot be affected by NMR because the total spin of these nuclei is zero...unless the short lived 54mFe is considered.

I started with FR2385255 some time ago but stalled when i realized the maths made no sense.
For instance see picture from patent of formula below, makes no sense, seems info was lost in formatting the patent.
Perhaps we need a Frenchman who will obtain the paper copy of the original patent (or a photo scan of it) with these formulas intact.
« Last Edit: 2015-06-21, 09:54:57 by verpies »

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Thanks verpies

Lots to consider, so it would sound like the presented patent would not work in it's reported form.

Perhaps we need a Frenchman who will obtain the paper copy of the original patent (or a photo scan of it) with these formulas intact.
Good idea, we had a page missing in the Arie patents so me & separately Itsu contacted the Netherlands patent office, next thing i knew someone rang me and was really willing to help, so maybe an email would also work for the French patents, i need to have a look on the French patent site first to see what they have on Meyer, maybe the original is there.

The Czech patent is the latest and says that it is 3 times more powerfull than the previous patented devices.


Group: Professor
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Lots to consider, so it would sound like the presented patent would not work in it's reported form.
I would not go that far.  The theory might be flawed but the practical side of the invention may be sound.

The Czech patent is the latest and says that it is 3 times more powerful than the previous patented devices.
If the Modus Operandi is even in the right ballpark, then there is still much room for improvement, especially in minimizing the permeability and conductivity of the fuel rod.
Making the diameter of the fuel rod large enough to contain Lorentz orbits of fast electrons is trivial and should improve the performance even further ( smaller rods might still work, albeit with less performance ).

The deliberate heating and electric polarization of the fuel rod are the wildcards.

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There's some great info in this Czech patent, it's a 50KW device and he uses a Valve Class A oscillator/amplifier plate voltage of 500V for the 21MHz with a 20 Turn coil on the iron rod.

exhaustion of the isotope Fe 56 takes about 2,400 hours. This procedure yields about 32,040x10-19 J energy

I wonder if it would be possible to estimate the mass or diameter of the iron iron from the above info. ???
« Last Edit: 2015-06-21, 20:29:54 by Peterae »

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I've added a translation of CZ284333 to the bottom of post 1

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I have not been able to find a copy of patent FR9110472, anyone got a copy, J Nauding seems to have a copy.
I also found another mentioned patent which i have not yet tracked down FR7421213
Group: Tech Wizard
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Posts: 1242
Hi Peter,

I think FR9110472 was the patent application number and likewise FR7421213 was also only application number. I base this on the following: if you do a search at http://worldwide.espacenet.com/ with the numbers only (one by one) by omitting the FR prefix, you get 5 patents for number 9110472 which include FR2680613 and you get 2 patents for number 7421213 which include FR2385255. When you check their application numbers, both include the numbers without the FR prefix (with some other additional numbers), so the references must have meant application numbers and not patent numbers.
(91 surely means 1991 in 9110472 and 74 surely means 1974 in 7421213)

This means that there were no FR9110472 and FR7421213 patents, these were application numbers.


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thanks Gyula

Ha Ha that makes sense, makes my job easier  O0



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I've uploaded a google translation for patent FR2680613 / FR9110472 very little info in their really.

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Quote from Czech Patent
The second coil is a coil of high frequency , i.e. at a frequency above 21 MHz , and a source of at least 467 W / gmol .
Well 1 mole of iron is 55.846g, so for every 55.846g of iron fuel we need 467 Watts of power at 21MHz

Considering my 110mm long 18mm diameter iron rod which if steel would weight 220 grams then i would need 21MHz with a power of  1.84 Kwatts  :o


This procedure yields about 32,040x10-19 J energy
It seems to me worrying that Meyer when he refers to the enormous energy released uses the negative power, when surely in fact that would mean an incredibly small amount of energy  :(

Surely the above quote should be
32,040x1019 J energy
without the minus
This mistake is made 3 or 4 times throughout the patent.
Was this guy even educated??

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I've added a translation of CZ284333 to the bottom of post 1
I read it.  
Heating the iron fuel rod above 1050ºK seems to be an easy way to minimize the permeability and conductivity of the iron, which effectively gets rid of the evil skin effect.

In the translation, the use of the word "stream" vs. "current" should be corrected.  When I was reading it, I was often wondering whether the word "stream" referred to magnetic flux or electric current?
« Last Edit: 2015-06-24, 23:59:14 by verpies »

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Quote from Czech Patent.  Well 1 mole of iron is 55.846g, so for every 55.846g of iron fuel we need 467 Watts of power at 21MHz
I was wondering about that, too.  If you look at the definition of Molar Mass then you quickly notice that its units are g/mol and not g*mol.

Considering my 110mm long 18mm diameter iron rod which if steel would weight 220 grams then i would need 21MHz with a power of  1.84 Kwatts  :o
...I arrived at the same conclusion but I am wondering why they wrote the murky ratio of 467W per gmol (g*mol), instead of simply writing 467W/55.846g or just 8.4W/g.

It seems to me worrying that Meyer when he refers to the enormous energy released uses the negative power, when surely in fact that would mean an incredibly small amount of energy  :(  Surely the above quote should be  without the minus
This mistake is made 3 or 4 times throughout the patent.
It must be an energy gain per 1 atom because 32,040x1019J of energy is equal to burning more than 1013 liters of gasoline, that's 10 trillion liters.  Isn't that more than OPECs total output and more than an energy content of a ton of antimatter ?   ..and who knows whether that comma in that number is a digit grouping symbol or a decimal point?  Do the French use commas or periods ?

Was this guy even educated??
Maybe but it was enough for his Czech counterpart or translator/editor not to be, in order to let mistakes through.
« Last Edit: 2015-06-23, 07:23:00 by verpies »

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It must be an energy gain per 1 atom because 32,040x1019J of energy is equal to burning more than 1013 liters of gasoline
Good point yes this makes more sense.
So we have 6.022 x 1023 atoms per mole of iron or 55.846g of iron.

So for every mole using his 32,040x10-19 x 6.022x1023 = 1.93 Giga watts of energy, we know it releases this amount of energy by running for 2400 hours.
therefore we have energy per hour of 803 KWh, or an output of 223 Watts per mole of fuel used.

So we know it's a 50 KWatt device, so the rod is 223.8 moles of iron or 12KG of iron.
Distribution best ratio about 1 : 9th The first minor portion of the stream is then led to the controller and connected to the supply circuit
if the device really is a 50KW device as stated in the patent then the device is using 5.5 KWatts to run

It cannot mean 50KWh device because it would only be producing 13.8watts

With the above parameters of the operation as the exhaustion of the isotope Fe 56 takes about 2,400 hours . This procedure yields about 32,040x10-19J energy, demonstrating a significantly higher efficiency than with the existing devices to generate electricity .

Just in case he meant to not use -, if we use 32040x1019 as the total energy over 2400 hours of run time then we get
370x1012 watts power output, this is way too high so is definitely wrong.

Also it is common in the UK for the old boys to use a comma to indicate thousands and millions.

Heating the iron fuel rod above 1050ºC seems to be an easy way to minimize the permeability and conductivity of the iron, which effectively gets rid of the evil skin effect.
I would think it would be impossible to operate and build a device to run the iron that high, he uses Teflon so his operating temperature must be below 326 Deg C.

It would surely be better to use thin iron wire bundled up a bit like Litz wire to increase the amount of iron penetration.

In the translation, the use of the word "stream" vs. "current" should be corrected.  When I was reading it, I was often wondering whether the word "stream" referred to magnetic flux or electric current?
I spotted a number of other errors as well, yes indeed a few alterations need making to the document.  O0

Personally i think we need to understand the earlier patent with the maths in to make sense of this Czech patent, i think a lot will become clear.
I'm still trying to get an idea of scaling.

« Last Edit: 2015-06-23, 10:10:01 by Peterae »

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Also it is common in the UK for the old boys to use a comma to indicate thousands and millions.
If the comma is used as a digit grouping symbol and not a decimal point, then 32,040×10-19J =  3.204×10-15J in proper scientific notation

So we have 6.022×1023 atoms per mole of iron

So for every mole using his 32,040×10-19 * 6.022×1023 = 1.93 Giga watts of energy,
Watts are not units of energy.  Also,  I do not understand how you go from Joules to Watts. 
3.204×10-15J *  6.022×1023 = 1.93×109J  of energy, which is the equivalent of burning almost 60 liters of gasoline, for every mole of iron.
...and since Watt = Joule / second
The power output of one mole device running for 2400h is:
 1.93×109J / (2400 * 60 * 60s) = 223.38W

To get up to 50kW we would need 50kW / 223.38W = 223.83 moles of iron, which is almost the same result you got because of this coincidence: 223.62 = 50000

I would think it would be impossible to operate and build a device to run the iron that high, he uses Teflon so his operating temperature must be below 326 Deg C.
I agree it would be impossible to do it, if Teflon were subjected to that temperature.
However if Teflon was far away then it would be possible to achieve the Curie temperature of iron using similar arrangement to what ION has used in his E-Cat replication with alumina.

Getting rid of Iron's magnetic permeability would not only get rid of the evil skin effect but also would dramatically decrease the inductance of the MHz coil, resulting in its lower impedance to the high frequency signal.
« Last Edit: 2024-08-01, 13:57:02 by verpies »
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Have you ever thought that isotropic NMR transmutation was only a fake explanation to deceive people ?

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Thanks verpies for clarification.

I am having very little luck plating an iron rod, it is working but i will be old by the time it is long enough.

All things considered, i think you would agree that a pure copper fuel rod would make an easier device to build.

pure copper is easily available and the operating frequency is much lower.

BTW: Copper nuclei resonate at 1132Hz/Gauss or 11.32MHz/Tesla
So if we run at 0.5 Tesla as per the iron then we get an operating frequency of 5.66 MHz
Trouble is we still have the skin depth problem at this frequency, no wonder he used KHz subharmonic in the first patent.

Zinc seems to be better regarding skin depth and lower frequency.

Zinc NMR i think would be 1.33199MHz at 0.5Telsa, skin depth at this frequency for zinc would be 106.46um


Aluminium 5.54697MHz at 0.5Tesla, skin depth at this frequency would be 34.787um

carbon would be amazing if it would work 5.3529MHz at 0.5T, skin depth 806.635um

« Last Edit: 2015-06-24, 20:54:16 by Peterae »

Group: Professor
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Posts: 3634
Have you ever thought that isotropic NMR transmutation was only a fake explanation to deceive people ?
Yes, isotropic NMR is a fake phenomenon because the very concept of NMR requires spatial anisotropy of nuclear spin axes.

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Have you ever thought that isotropic NMR transmutation was only a fake explanation to deceive people ?
No cannot say i have thought of that, So what would be the real explanation?
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