I watched the video and paused it a few times to make a sketch and ponder it a bit..
On the surface it looks like a one wire charge pump until one considers the interwinding capacitance of the lower tuned RF transformer.
This capacitance completes the current loop especially at the high voltages being utilized.
He might do better with a bridge rectifier (high quality fast diode type) on the secondary of the lower transformer so that he can catch all the positive and negative hash and send it to the load.
If there is something more under the surface, it will await accurate input / output measurements.
I'll wait with reserve.
Lets speculate a bit here: I am quoting myself here because I may have inadvertantly uncovered a key element in the operation of the TK device if indeed it does provide any degree of overunity. I am in agreement with EM and on the surface the device appears to be a crude resonant converter. But when one considers again the return path for the excitation, which is through the powerful electrostatic forces between the otherwise isolated windings of the lower tuned transformer, this opens a whole new way of looking at the possibility of creating electron flow in a wire using a combination of electrostatic resonance through interwinding capacitance and normal LC resonance.
This is very difficult to model in the dynamic mode since it deals with oscillating electrostatic charges, standing waves and moving waves and may be the overlooked factor also at work in some of the TPU's. We see at least two tuned circuits in the TK device, the major one is the primary of the lower transformer, the other is on the return winding that couples to the secondary of the lower transformer. The very low pF used by this resonant circuit may be the other harmonic required to complement the interwinding capacitance, which would also be very low, on the order of a few pF. This may be the mechanism SM spoke of "lifting the hose and squeezing it" and may be why none of our 5U4 tests ever panned out. Unless you used his exact transformer with the right proximity of windings and interwinding capacitance, you might not see it. I could see where T H Moray may have possibly created the vacuum tube version, foregoing the spark gaps. His device required careful tuning. This is just an opinion based on a little thinking outside the box, and giving those guys (TK et al)the benefit of the doubt. But something to consider.
« Last Edit: 2011-10-16, 14:26:15 by ION »
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