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Author Topic: Wesley says its a done deal TK revealed ENERGIA REPLICATES!!  (Read 53454 times)
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4051
Wesley says its a done deal TK revealed

Wesley quote:
Well my friends it looks like  the history files are being created just  right now  as we speak... at this very moment... At this very time I'm writing this words.

Yes I can
Successful replication of OU device
150W output  around 5 W input.
International  group of  people including me.

« Last Edit: 2011-11-07, 13:34:32 by ramset »
Group: Guest
TK is looking very worn.

Did anyone else follow the net conversations while Wesley was narrating?

They are convinced they have done it. A couple of them sound like they know what they are talking about. I'm not fluent in the dialects used but I'm sure I understood enough.

This may become interesting  :)

Thanks ramset.
Group: Elite
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
I watched the video and paused it a few times to make a sketch and ponder it a bit..

On the surface it looks like a one wire charge pump until one considers the interwinding capacitance of the lower tuned RF transformer.

This capacitance completes the current loop especially at the high voltages being utilized.

He might do better with a  bridge rectifier (high quality fast diode type) on the secondary of the lower transformer so that he can catch all the positive and negative hash and send it to the load.

If there is something more under the surface, it will await accurate input  / output measurements.

I'll wait with reserve.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
He is also smacking the transformer from two sides with spark gaps on both sides of the transformer.
Huge field jacking....

Group: Guest

After building the Kapagen from JL Naudin (not OU but not the Kapanadze's device), I had abandoned because Kapanadze didn't provide sufficent matter. Now the schematic extracted from the video gives us informations about the principle (see the attached file).

If there is a real effect, it seems clear that the spark gaps are the key point to provide the extra-energy and the resonant circuits the means of recovering this energy. I see two resonant circuits, one with the HV coil and the 0.2 pF (value strangely weak, and surely by far much lower than the own capacity of the HV coil or than the capacity between the HV coil and the case connected to the ground), the other one is the left winding of the transformer. The natural capacity between the primary and the secondary winding can also play a role in the resonance.
According to the order of the capacitors, the working frequency should be high, in the range of some Mhz (what seems in good agreement with the size of the coil in the video)

What bothers me is that the setup is still a complete device with so many parameters that it is not duplicable. It is not a proof of concept. If there is extra-energy somewhere in this setup, a careful measurement of a very elementary circuit with the key element would be enough to show us.

Group: Elite
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
He is also smacking the transformer from two sides with spark gaps on both sides of the transformer.
Huge field jacking....

Huge Field Jacking? This remains to be seen and is not a fact, so should be prefaced "it is my opinion".

 Appears to me (my opinion) he is trading HV low current for low voltage high current. A resonant switchmode RF down converter using spark gaps instead of semiconductors or tubes. Why is the loop not closed? Even a low efficiency DC to AC converter could be used to close the loop since the COP is claimed to be around 30. Surely there is a primary driving the HV transformer (the 5 Watts input), but we won't see a watt meter on that.

EX: What is not shown in the drawing is the primary of the HV transformer that is supplying the "juice".

GK, Your colorful language amuses me. With all that "smacking and jacking", TK should be reported to the Protection Agency for abused Transformers.
« Last Edit: 2011-10-16, 14:23:01 by ION »

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
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Posts: 805
I am pro free energy and quite open minded, as you guys should already know by now.  I have put my professional reputation on the line quite a few times at work and elsewhere on these forums.   However, this time I have to discredit the claims made in this video again, like I've done in the past with these claims.

From my own experiments in the past, I was able to light up a 60W light bulb to the same "full brightness"  which is not full by any means,  I did it with even less wattage then they claim.   They claim to input 5 watts,  I did it with slightly less than 4 watts.    Did I claim over unity?  NO,  a bright bulb is not a quantitative measurement of output power.

I'll tell you guys what their device is:

  It is an over complicated "rube goldberg"  Resonant Power Converter!


PS,   Here's a good link to resonant converter topologies from Texas Instruments.  


Here's two diagrams from this document.  One for Series resonant and one for Parallel resonant.   On the output you always want to have a high impedance to AC currents, so you include an inductor after the diodes and before the output capacitor, else the AC currents see a short in the capacitor and the voltage drops.  The rectified DC current has no problem.  Impedance matching is very important!
« Last Edit: 2011-10-15, 17:35:44 by EMdevices »
Group: Professor
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Posts: 3028
I am pro free energy and quite open minded, as you guys should already know by now.  I have put my professional reputation on the line quite a few times at work and elsewhere on these forums.   However, this time I have to discredit the claims made in this video again, like I've done in the past with these claims.

From my own experiments in the past, I was able to light up a 60W light bulb to the same "full brightness"  which is not full by any means,  I did it with even less wattage then they claim.   They claim to input 5 watts,  I did it with slightly less than 4 watts.    Did I claim over unity?  NO,  a bright bulb is not a quantitative measurement of output power.

EM [snip]

  A fun video, with technical information starting at about the 6-minute mark, but I must agree with EM that the use of light bulbs to measure the output power -- first a 60W bulb then a 150W bulb -- is not sufficiently accurate to provide a compelling demonstration of OU.   

One would like to see a kill-o-watt measuring the input power (as this appears to be running on mains) and another or something like it on the output power.
I would say, even dumping Poutput into a resistor and heating water would give a crude but convincing measurement of the output power in a case like this, where 60 to 150 Watts out is claimed.

  What is this coil?  does anyone have any detail on that key element?

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3968

Buy me some coffee
For now i also agree, another device with no solid measurements taken, yep at least a kilo watt meter on the mains would have been real handy.
Group: Elite
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
I watched the video and paused it a few times to make a sketch and ponder it a bit..

On the surface it looks like a one wire charge pump until one considers the interwinding capacitance of the lower tuned RF transformer.

This capacitance completes the current loop especially at the high voltages being utilized.

He might do better with a  bridge rectifier (high quality fast diode type) on the secondary of the lower transformer so that he can catch all the positive and negative hash and send it to the load.

If there is something more under the surface, it will await accurate input  / output measurements.

I'll wait with reserve.

Lets speculate a bit here:

I am quoting myself here because I may have inadvertantly uncovered a key element in the operation of the TK device if indeed it does  provide any degree of overunity.

I am in agreement with EM and on the surface the device appears to be a crude resonant converter.

But when one considers again the return path for the excitation, which is through the powerful electrostatic forces between the otherwise isolated windings of the lower tuned transformer, this opens a whole new way of looking at the possibility of creating electron flow in a wire using a combination of electrostatic resonance  through interwinding  capacitance and normal LC resonance.

This is very difficult to model in the dynamic mode since it deals with oscillating electrostatic charges, standing waves and moving waves and may be the overlooked factor also at work in some of the TPU's.

We see at least two tuned circuits in the TK device, the major one is the primary of the lower transformer, the other is on the return winding that couples to the secondary of the lower transformer. The very low pF used by this resonant circuit may be the other harmonic required to complement the interwinding capacitance, which would also be very low, on the order of a few pF.

This may be the mechanism SM spoke of "lifting the hose and squeezing it" and may be why none of our 5U4 tests ever panned out. Unless you used his exact transformer with the right proximity of windings and interwinding capacitance, you might not see it.

I could see where T H Moray may have possibly created the vacuum tube version, foregoing the spark gaps. His device required careful tuning.

This is just an opinion based on a little thinking outside the box, and giving those guys (TK et al)the benefit of the doubt.

But something to consider.
« Last Edit: 2011-10-16, 14:26:15 by ION »

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4051
I believe every one of those fellows built the "Kapagen" and Naudlins device! [they should have a grasp on frequency anomalies]

Some times the things that cross our path ,Do so for a reason...............

« Last Edit: 2011-10-16, 15:11:17 by ramset »
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4051
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4051
More build info

The primary coil - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmJg1Kmbgk4
The tube diameter is 6 cm, length 30 cm
5x1 meter of 2mm diameter wire (50+50cm in caduceus winding)
The 2 secondary coils: 5 meters 2 mm diameter wire each
(the mass of each secondary coil match mass of primary for electrostatic resonance). The left hand + right hand winding.
The variable cap is 25kV up to 500pF capacitor for tuning.
Can't say frequency there due to high voltages for oscilloscope. See video for it and oscilloscope probe shorted and inside of TT where light bulb is shown lighted up.

good luck
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4051
Wesley is doing a tutorial PDF it seems??

The proper material is being prepared right now possibly in three dimensional format. Maybe tomorrow if we speed up.. Additional information are being discussed as we speak. If proper tuning is applied than the same elements
may give you range of few KW. 
The first and primary is to understand self resonance of flyback.
I'm doing laboratory  measurements to explain how to do it without the lab.
Material  will be  posted in  traditional to me form as chunk of information but  in addition to that it will be discussed here.  I can not  do everything in one time .. video editing .. I'm not so  good in it.. I'm much better in lab and scientific investigation ...
Please understand..


Flyback in my particular example was using 48Khz of self resonant frequency
Do not  cant on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All you have to do is get to the highest possible frequency  with the highes voltage present on  secondary of Flyback
but do not over do it...
This is the hint

Although Anuras   T-1000 suggested that  RAMP SHAPE  is the best ... I did not see difference between square or triangle in regards to sinus at self resonance..

Yes he is right  RAMP  gives you sharp cut out.. that is what we need ...

you may see without oscilloscope many resonance points  but that would be only harmonics...
The catalog resonance frequency for flyback I have is around 17KHz

But if you apply voltage to 100% of length of primary winding...

Depends which wind you use self resonance will be different at the same very  Flyback..
The biggest amplitude
I have got on square with 50% duty cycle.

remember this thing  can kill so be extra careful

hint: give try of 1V only (from signal generator) and you can measure HV on secondary..!!!!!!!!! with your V meter ... make sure that your V meter works  no not less than  100KHz..!!! If not it  may lie to you..
Pick the highest point and you should be at  resonance point.
No matter what have you give to primary you get sinus at secondary  at resonance..Make sure that amplitude is the same...

NO RINGING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Group: Professor
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Posts: 3028
  Chet --  I watched the first vid from these fellows, and went to the URL you posted and watched some of the latest (over 1/2 hour long, no time right now for the whole half-hour vid).

  Below is a screenshot from the vid.    This schematic suggests to me: this is based on a Tesla coil, including the spark gap (although I do not read Russian).  Perhaps an approach like Don Smith's?  IS THIS CORRECT?
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4051
As you know wattsup and some other fellows are replicating this, I would imagine there will be much more relevant info in the next few days.
Personally I have gotten so turned around on these circuits lately ,I can make no comments whatsoever.

Thank you
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4051
A  Method /formula to achieve OU
posted by
Shokac  At TK thread


Read this:


Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4051
From Over unity thread
From here



i have experimented, things are happening the exact way aidas, arunas, wesley say, no theories will make your device work!  DO IT and you will know!!!
everything has to be adjusted piece by piece, you will not suceed with a fixed thing....  

trust it, the phenomenon is not explained in conventional science, and media will still try to supress it although it can be reached by anyone this time.
All physics books needs either adding more info or completely rewriting...
@Question to EM devices
Your thoughts on this will be greatly appreciated [and remain here in this forum ,I will not post them anywhere without your permission ]

Thank you

« Last Edit: 2011-11-07, 14:17:31 by ramset »
Group: Guest
Read the simplified construction instructions from Patrick Kelly.

I now have two Atten Oscilloscopes in USA.  Tuning will not be a problem.  The first FLEET prototype built in USA is now guaranteed to be OU.

Multiple LCR resonance appears to be the key.  This TK device falls into this catagory. Will have much fun.

May God guide all the Researchers.
« Last Edit: 2011-11-10, 15:19:16 by ltseung888 »
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4051
« Last Edit: 2011-11-10, 21:15:29 by ramset »
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4051

Here is practical schematic diagram for Tiger device with ferrite Yoki from uSSr TV sets. Approval!!!!
Be aware of not approval replications from others!!!! It may cose damage your brain!

Group: Guest

In http://freeenergylt.narod2.ru/aidas/, the input is said to be 10W. The halogen is 150W but we see it is not bright. Imho 10W are enough to light the bulb as on the photo.
So there are complicated adjustments for a resonant frequency with minimum losses in the circuit, in order the halogen to light, thanks to the power of the two generators. I don't see any possible OU here. Or did I miss something?

Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4051
Lindsey [mannix] and wattsup are both building this also [wesley device] . there will be more measurements coming!!
Thanks for your Comments
Group: Guest
After building the Kapagen from JL Naudin (not OU but not the Kapanadze's device), I had abandoned because Kapanadze didn't provide sufficent matter. Now the schematic extracted from the video gives us informations about the principle (see the attached file).
I've recently discovered how to upload schematics to the 'Web, and I redrew the diagram in your post to the attachment as a PDf in t\\t the bottom of this post.

Looking at the original, I'd ask:

The small coil that has a waveform attributed to it?   Is that a power takeoff point or a power input point?

The bottom of the drawing has what appears to be a spark gap or possibly a set of quick disconnect arrows to the left of what might be a full wave bridge.   What is it, exactly?

Are both of the capacitor sets made of two strings of 4X larger capacitors that are in parallel to equal 6800 picofarads?

Is the input 220 VAC @60W, or is that the power takeoff point?

The transformer core was drawn in three straight lines as American drawings usually show.

Sorry, the image is upside down.  You might want to print off a copy for reference anyway.

Okak, now there's a problem.  My drawing is backed up on my Yahoo! account, and this borrowed computer will not allow downloads of outside files as a security measure.   I can return tomorrow and reedit this post to update it with the drawing.

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